Join our family!

Finally there is a space cultivated for the independent in spirit. The artist’s salon experience doesn’t have to be one that ignores your desire to flourish. It doesn’t have to be one that allows you to fall behind a changing industry just to satisfy your need to grow.

The main drive behind this salon is to create a community where you have to ability to breakthrough and become the stylist and professional you desire to be, while benefiting from the support and structure of salon home. If you have ever thought about being an independent stylist or even reached out on your own- and discovered that what you enjoyed most is creating a luxury experience for your guest, earning what you are worth, but community and collaboration is how you thrive…then our salon may be a place for you.

Being apart of the frē family means you have the freedom to set your goals and be supported in them. It means you earn your worth and create the balance that works for you!

We are looking for:

  • Salon Experience Professionals
  • Artist Associate Program Candidates
  • Invisible Bead Extensions®️certified artists or those who want to be
  • Curl specialists or those who want to be
  • Color specialists or those who want to be
  • Haircutting gurus! Or those who want to be
There is a theme here and that’s growth and you!
Fill out the form below and we’ll see you soon!

Four women smiling and looking at each other against a plain background.
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